I’ve been on dozens retreats. Here’s what I have learnt.
In all the years I have been practising meditation, I've been on dozens of retreats. All of them different. Different locations. Different themes. Different...
Somatic Mindfulness – What is your body trying to tell you?
Here are a few of my favourite strategies to make unpleasant feelings go away. Drink wine Get busy (cleaning, sorting, organising) Scroll mindlessly on social...
Getting off the clinical carousel
My body weight dropped dangerously low at the depths of my eating disorder. It actually didn’t feel that bad. In fact I didn’t really feel anything at all....
Is burnout just part of the new normal?
Here's an interesting list..... 1. Feeling exhausted or drained and unable to do basic tasks. 2. Insomnia. 3. Forgetfulness or inability to concentrate and...
Where did my attention span go?
It's no great surprise - our attention spans are narrowing. That desire for the next new thing compels us - scrolling and clicking our screens like maniacs....
The problem with blogs
I have been told by the experts that blogs are important. But does anybody actually read them? Hey, I'm no website expert, but my gut feeling is no. So the...